KNOW YOUR RIGHTS – My Miranda Rights

Print this out and keep a copy in your car.

Keep a folded up copy in your wallet.


1. I have the right to remain silent.

2. Anything I say can and will be used against me in a court of law.

3. I have the right to an attorney and to have him/her be present while I am being questioned.

4. If I cannot afford to hire an attorney, one will be appointed to represent me before any questioning, and I wish to invoke that privilege right now.

5. I have decided to exercise these rights and to not answer any questions, nor shall I make any statements now or in the future.

6. I advise you to write down a copy of this notice and to be sure it is entered it into any records.

Declaration of not waving my rights pursuant to statute and the United States Constitution:

  • I understand each of these rights as defined here.
  • I do not wish to talk to you now.
  • I do not want to be subject to any lineup or questioning until my attorney is present.
  • I do not consent to any search of my person, property, belongings, or possessions under my control or of which I have an interest.
  • I insist on having my attorney present for questioning.